Find DNS records & DNS Lookup

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Find DNS records

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Find DNS Records tool will list DNS records for a domain. The DNS Records is done straightforwardly against the domain's legitimate name server, so changes to DNS Records should show up immediately. Find DNS Records by putting the website details below.

The DNS lookup tool views all the information of DNS (domain name system) server records. DNS is quite handy for today's domain system to solve various complex coding problems. It is for configuring the site to host the company. Otherwise, all the websites look like IP address domain names.

The domain name system is a directory at which all domains are available with the IP addresses' help. If you want to know the specific location of a site, use a DNS search tool. You need to enter the internet address from the search box. Its complete information will become available in a couple of seconds. DNS is a core part of this internet system. It is to connect the proper domains with the IP address offered by the web hosting service.

There are two kinds of domain name systems containing the record of every site.

Both of these have different strategies and tools for their monitoring. We're talking about the forwards DNS, but necessary information about both is essential. For knowing the IP address of a server, you have to remember the web address.

Once it gets processed through an Internet tool, the info will get sent to the service provider. It further analyzes the IP address associated with a domain name. If the entered internet address gets associated with an IP, its address will show up in the user's display. First, the internet service provider assesses its host. If there is no information, the petition gets forwarded to some other providers.

Find DNS Records – Find Your Domain Name System (DNS) Records

Do you need to find your Domain Name System (DNS) records? Find your DNS records easily by clicking here and using our DNS Lookup Tool today! Get all DNS Record Types today.

How do I find my domain name system (DNS) records?

In order to check what domain name system (DNS) records you have, you will first need to log in to your GoDaddy account. The process for finding your domain name system (DNS) records differs depending on whether or not you registered your domain name with us. If it was us who helped you purchase and register your domain name, just follow these easy steps: Once logged in, click on My Products from the top menu, then select Domains from the side menu. A list of all domains owned will appear on a separate page where you can select which one needs to be checked under the Web Hosting column. Under Domain, column locate and click on Manage Domain button next to chosen domain record.

Where can I find all available types of DNS records?

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for managing and updating a list of top-level domains, including country-code TLDs, generic TLDs like .com or .net, and sponsored TLDs that companies can pay to use. This registry also lists out every type of DNS record available; you can find these types in any domain name's WHOIS record. As an example, here's a snippet from my email address: You can see that A, MX, CNAME, TXT, etc. are all listed as separate records under my domain name.

How to Find My MX Records

Finding your MX records is a critical step for anyone setting up email with Google, Yahoo, or any other popular webmail service. Simply put, these records tell those mail providers where to deliver your email messages. The MX record includes information such as priority and hostname. If you’re using any of those popular services and aren’t sure what your MX records are—or if they even exist—it might be worth checking. If you’re using a dedicated hosting provider, chances are it will have set everything up for you. But if you have ever changed providers or hosted in-house, it’s a good idea to check in just to make sure everything is working properly.

How to use the DNS Lookup tool?

1. The tools of DNS search is available online That you can get with these necessary actions. Have a look:-

2. Open the DNS lookup tool and enter the site's Web address that you want to test.

3. Make Certain that you are studying the domain name Name with including HTTP or HTTPS.

4. Click on the implementation button, and you may get a captcha to resolve.

5. When the captcha gets solved, then the process will take a few seconds to complete.

6. The after-effects of DNS query will get evident in various tables outlining data, including:- 

  • Hostname 
  • IP Address 
  • Ping test status 
  • Registrant Name 
  • Enlisted Domains 
  • Domains on the Server
  • Enlistment Registrar 
  • Created
  • Expired
  • Updated
  • Name Servers Recorded Data Registrar Events 
  • Name Server Event: (Period: a long time) 
  • IP Address Events: (Period: a long time) 
  • Whois Record Events: (Most punctual Whois Occasion ) 
  • Extra Network Data NetRange 
  • Name 
  • Handle 
  • Parent 
  • Net Sort 
  • Direct Assignment Association 
  • Registration Date

It may be possible that the information of these factors is not accessible results. Still, you will have the ability to get the crucial data. General hosting and more network information will be available to assist you.